
A blog all about the horrible misadventures of a town full of marauding tigerzombies!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Big ole' ships and a site about them

Since I was a little boy, I've had a love affair with cruise ships. I've actually never taken a cruise, but dream of the day that I can. Living in the Bay Area near San Francisco, I see these massive ships come and go on my way to work. They look like floating cities pulling up. A few months ago, I actually got to see the Queen Mary 2, which was so massive that all I really saw was a huge mass of black painted metal rising from the sea. When I was really little, I made models of the Titanic out of aluminum foil and floated them down our creek.

Well... I thought I was crazy about them- too much to admit to anyone until I saw this site called maritime matters. The site itself is kind of rough and a mess as far as design and UI goes, but there is an ENORMOUS amount of stories, blogs, photos, histories, and travels on board mainly vintage 1950's and 60's cruise ships. It is saddening to see that a majority of these are actually on their way to being scrapped in India due to new compliance regulations and a recent spike in steel prices. But the people on this site make good on efforts to carefully document their trips on these vessels as well as create ship biographies for ones that have since gone on to cruise ship heaven. There is so much info on this site that any ship lover could spend months reading it. Check it out!

PS: the ship photo came from their site, so I am giving credit where credit is due.