
A blog all about the horrible misadventures of a town full of marauding tigerzombies!

Friday, June 23, 2006

First Launch of flashlite application succesful!

While I cannot show the application I made for the company I work at, my first application produced for mobile phones was tested and it works! The app loads and plays videos, music, images, and flash animation. I basically hacked a bunch of things that I found together and reverse-engineered the script to work with the specifics I needed.
The application was tested on a variety of phones: The N90, N70, and 6682 from Nokia. The fact that flash lite is very flexible and accesible to flash developers means a new era for flash designers, animators, and programmers.
My next plan is to convert a number of top nomadtoons animated films to the new flashlite 2.0 format and make them available for download. It will be interesting to see how well these old classics do on a brand new media outlet.
I plan on putting a new link on the nomadtoons site for flashlite content pertaining to these films. Stay tuned.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Flashlite 2.0 will be the next big thing in wireless.

Simply put, flash lite is a version of the .swf ( flash) player that works on mobile phones. This means quite an enormous potential for content developers. The current media interface used by cell phones is primarily java. Flash offers all the development possibilities and speed of the desktop version of flash. The biggest diffrence is that cell phones are not yet as widely available with this technology except in Japan and Europe.
The limitation is also in current processor speeds of even the most up to date phone: A little over 300 mgz. This means that current applications must be somewhat more restrained so the phone can actually play the apps efficiently.
From a developer's standpoint, the biggest change is the diffrence in code. One must set and assign actions for the phone's keypad. This can be done using either the default settings or customizing the key functions. For someone like myself- more of a designer than a programmer, the challenge lies in the fact that there is very little information pertaining to flash lite. Most of the refrences are from other programmers, which as usual tend to leave out approximatly half the needed information. The single most helpful source at this point is the Adobe site, which while confusing due to their rather sprawly UI, still provides a wealth of information and tutorials that make sense for even the least informed.
This technology is exciting because as anyone can easily see, there are 10 times th number of cell phones over PC's. When flash became widely accepted online, it created a huge demand for flash developers, which has more or less normalized.
Hopefully, flash lite might be the next "Boom" that makes us all rich... in case you missed the last one.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Batman gets doooown!

I nearly came close to pissing my pants watching this thing. Sometimes, things that take 2 minutes ot produce are the best things!
Watch it here

Fixing Activex embeds in IE7

What a pain in the ass! As many of you flash designers know, Microsoft lost a suit against them brought on by a small midwestern company. They lost, the winning company walked away with 500 million bucks, and millions of flash designers got stuck with a problem: If you embed flash inside a page, IE7 will require you to click the flash first before it will work. Not the end of the world, but a nasty problem for people that blend flash and traditional graphics with html, or for people that have flash that plays automatically.
The fix is actually simple, but it took me awhile to figure out mainly because I'm not a programmer, and as many of you designers know, programmers tend to leave out 50% of the required knowledge in order to address a problem. So I'm going to give you the fix in "designer's" language. They are as follows:

1: If you have the latest version of Dreamweaver, then proceed to step 2. If not, upgrade.
2: On the Adobe site( formerly Macromedia) there is a update section. Find the updates for
3: Download update 8.0.2.
4: Install.
5: When you open your old Dreamweaver documents, there will be a window that tells you
that your page has activex elements that might not work with IE7. Would you like to
fix them? yes.
6: Dreamweaver will automatically update the page and create a "scripts" folder. Re-upload
your corrected files and make sure to INCLUDE THE SCRIPTS FOLDER within the same
directory as your file. For example, if you have all your flash movies in one folder, make
sure you place a copy of the scripts folder in there with them. The scripts folder is generic
so once you have one copy, you can use it for every single directory.
7: One last thing: Just like a refrence to an image in HTML, there will be a refrence to the
script. Make sure this is correct.

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Welcome to the new Nomadtoons!

Hey folks,
While there are still a few small kinks in the site, Nomadtoons has been relaunched! There's a lot of new work you can take a peek at, along with some old classics. More changes are on the way, along with new work to be continually added. In addition, there will eventually be a companion site that will be more heavily stylized to accompany this one. You can get a sneak peek at it on the " Site design" section of the site. More to come soon!